The Tesla FBI Files What became of many of Tesla's technical and scientific papers after he died. The Tesla... 01 January, 2016
Selected Tesla Writings Selected Tesla Writings is a collection of scientific papers and articles about the work of... 01 December, 2014
My Life, My Research Before the turn of the 20th century, electricity remained a mere scientific curiosity. Nikola Tesla,... 01 December, 2014
Prodigal Genius Prodigal Genius: The Extraordinary Life of Nikola Tesla, by John Joseph O'Neill details the life... 01 November, 2014
Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was a inventor, electrical engineer and physicist who is best known for his... 29 August, 2014
Lectures and Patents Nikola Tesla's Lectures and Patents is one of the first reference works to come out... 30 June, 2014