Searching for Shangri-la In Searching for Shangri-la, we meet a unique group of artists, calling for a new... 14 August, 2014
Ramakrishna Ramakrishna’s often earthy sayings and short fables are immediately comprehensible to everyone, using vivid metaphors... 01 August, 2014
Lectures and Patents Nikola Tesla's Lectures and Patents is one of the first reference works to come out... 30 June, 2014
Tai Chi for Seniors If you are a senior seeking to improve your health or simply want to learn... 01 June, 2014
The Art of Crisis Management in China The Art of Crisis Management honors the spirit of Zhu Ge Liang's pragmatism which may... 17 May, 2014
The Art of Doing Business in China The Art of Doing Business in China applies Sun Tzu's Art of War and the... 14 May, 2014
Discovery Publisher Discovery Publisher is a multimedia publisher whose mission is to inspire and support personal transformation... 28 March, 2014
About Discovery Publisher Discovery Publisher is a multimedia publisher whose mission is to inspire and support personal transformation... 24 March, 2014
Contact Us Contact the Discovery Publisher teams by email, phone, fax, mail, and directly through this page.... 16 October, 2013
Latest Publications Discovery Publisher incorporates more than writers and editors, it also enlists projects photographers, movie directors,... 07 October, 2013