Maurice Magre Maurice Magre was French a poet, a writer and a playwright. He was a defender... 30 November, 2017
Joël Ducatillon Joël Ducatillon is a musician, naturopath, and author of several spiritual works, notably "The Diamond... 30 November, 2017
Gerard Johnson Gerard Johnson is a New Zealander newspaper photographer. He now lives in China, where he... 30 November, 2017
Édouard Schuré Eduard Schuré was a French philosopher, poet, playwright, novelist, music critic, and publicist of esoteric... 30 November, 2017
Dejun Xue Master Dejun Xue currently lives in the United States. He is the author of numerous... 30 November, 2017
Brian Stewart Brian Stewart lived in China for twenty years, where he studied Chinese language. He now... 30 November, 2017
The Complete Works of Vivekananda In the volumes of the works of Vivekananda we have what is not only a... 10 November, 2017
The Complete Works of Vivekananda This is the tenth volume of the collection of the writings, lectures, letters, and poetry... 09 November, 2017
The Complete Works of Vivekananda This is the eightth volume of the collection of the writings, lectures, letters, and poetry... 08 November, 2017
The Complete Works of Vivekananda This is the seventh volume of the collection of the writings, lectures, letters, and poetry... 07 November, 2017