Discovery Publisher


Derrick Broze is an American writer, freedom activist and public speaker....

Denys and Victor Jacques, father and son, are doctors practicing traditional Chinese medicine. Denys lives...

Corinne Heline was an American author, Christian mystic and occultist, who published 28 books....

Christine Devin is a scholar of the Sanskrit language and Hinduism. She has lived in...

Allan Kardec was a French educator, translator and author. He is the author of the...

Aimée Dostoevsky was a Russian writer, memoirist, and the second daughter of famous writer Fyodor...

Adriano Lucca is the author of several novels and spiritual works. He currently lives in...

William Pike Phelon was an Anglo-American occultist, involved with the American Section of the Theosophical...

Max Heindel (July 1865 - January 1919), is the founder of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, based...

Eugène Caslant (1865 - 1940) was a French astrologer. Gaston Bachelard presents it as a...