26 Oct The Four Paths of Self-Realization
From ancient times, people of India have practiced spiritual disciplines designed to clear the mind and support a state of serene, detached awareness. The practices for developing this desired state of balance, purity, wisdom, and peacefulness of mind are known collectively as “yoga.” “Yoga” means “yoke” or “union” – referring to union with the true Self, the goal described in the Upanishads.
The sages distinguished four basic types of people and developed practices that are particularly suitable for each type, in order that each man can attain the desired union with the Self.
• For rational people, there is the path of Knowledge.
• For meditative people, there is the path of Self-Knowledge.
• For naturally active people, there is the path of Selfless Action.
• For emotional people, there is the Path of Devotion.
Page count
6 x 9 in
Paperback: 9781788940382, 9781788941716
Hardcover: 9781788941211
Price (suggested, in USD)
Paperback: 18.90
Hardback: 25.90
Ebook: 8.28

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