01 Oct Dignity and Decency
The freedom movement has taught countless people that human society does not need monarchs, politicians, bureaucrats, presidents, or government functionaries to operate. It has taught everyone that ideas should be accessible to the masses and that no one should have a monopoly on information. At its heart, this is what Dignity & Decency is about.
Dignity and Decency is about unleashing the courage to challenge the status quo. Dignity & Decency is about sedition and treason, but also about warmth and compassion.
In The Media
— “Anarchy isn’t about wearing masks or throwing bombs. It’s about treating others with dignity and decency. For those lucky enough to know him, Sterlin Lujan has already been showing us by example. Now the rest of us can learn directly from his words collected in one place. Dignity and Decency is a great place to start for anyone interested in using voluntary human interaction to build a better world.” -Roger Ver
— “In Dignity and Decency, Sterlin reminds those familiar with his work why his message is so memorable and so necessary at this moment. Readers who are new to his writing will have the joy of discovering his vision of compassionate anarchism – a world where rationality, morality, psychedelics, and anarchism collide. This collection introduces his insatiable desire to reduce violence and promote peace while offering practical solutions to those who can feel that something is amiss in our world. Sterlin has an inimitable ability to communicate the message of anarchism, simplify the intricacies of cryptocurrency, and explain the psychology of spanking in a way that tends to build bridges and open hearts. The world is better thanks to his articulations of the concepts of liberty.” -Derrick Broze
Page count
6 x 9 in
Paperback: 9781788944984
Hardcover: 9781788944991
Price (suggested, in USD)
Paperback: 19.99
Hardback: 34.90
Ebook: 9.90

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