01 Nov Autobiography of a Yogi
This is the 70th-anniversary edition of Autobiography of a Yogi. Designated one of the 100 most important spiritual books of the 20th century, this book is the verbatim reprint of the 1946 first edition, with all its intact inherent power.
Autobiography of a Yogi is the autobiography of the realized master Paramahansa Yogananda and his encounters with spiritual figures of both the East and the West. The autobiography begins with Yogananda’s childhood family life, to finding his guru, to becoming a monk and establishing his teachings of Kriya Yoga meditation. The book continues in 1920 when Yogananda accepts an invitation to speak in a religious congress in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He then travels across America lecturing and establishing his teachings in Los Angeles, California.
Autobiography of a Yogi is both an engaging narrative of Yoganandya’s life, as well as a monumental work of spiritual teaching. It has been in print for seventy years and has been highly acclaimed as a spiritual classic.
A timeless masterpiece.
Page count
6.69 x 9.61 in
Paperback: 9781519296603, 9781788949569
Hardcover: 9781788949576
Price (suggested, in USD)
Paperback: 18.90
Hardback: 25.90

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