01 Apr The Master as I Saw Him
The Master as I Saw Him is a humble and intelligent description of Swami Vivekanada’s life through the eyes of a close disciple, Sister Nivedita (Margaret Elizabeth Noble).
The Master as I Saw Him is famous for its chronicling of intense spiritual experiences. Among the many gripping anecdotes that occur in this book are: Lord Buddha manifesting before Vivekananda as he sat meditating in his room; the bestowing of the boon of “death at will” by Lord Shiva; his hearing of the divine voice of ‘the Mother’; his experience of Samadhi; the Swami’s vision of an ancient Rishi chanting Sanskrit mantras in an ancient long-forgotten rhythm; and, his encounter with distressed spirits who had committed suicide.
The Master as I Saw Him is now considered to be a classic text.
Page count
6 x 9 in
Paperback: 9781532833144, 9781788949866
Hardcover: 9781788949873
Price (suggested, in USD)
Paperback: 17.90
Hardback: 24.90
Ebook: 8.68

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