Discovery Publisher
Iain Grysak | Discovery Publisher
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Iain Grysak

Iain Grysak began his yoga journey after earning a BSc in Biology and Psychology in 1998. He practiced Iyengar yoga for four years before transitioning to daily Mysore-style Ashtanga practice starting in 2003, which he has maintained consistently since then.

In 2013, under the guidance of Rolf Naujokat, Iain completed the fourth series of Ashtanga. He began practicing with Sharath Jois in 2014 and was granted Level 2 authorization by Sharathji in 2016. By his final trip with Sharathji in 2023, he had completed the third series and initiated the fourth.

From 2001 to 2013, Iain actively participated in over twenty Vipassana silent retreats of up to sixty days each through the Goenka organization.

Iain interprets his practice and much of human experience through complex systems theory, phenomenology, animism, and particularly through the work of psychiatrist and philosopher Iain McGilchrist on brain lateralization. Above all, he relies heavily on his own lived personal experiences.