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The Philosophy of Wellbeing, For Her | Yogi Ramacharaka | Discovery Publisher
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Yogi Ramacharaka

The Philosophy of Wellbeing

For Her

The Philosophy of Wellbeing

In The Philosophy of Wellbeing, for Her, William Walker Atkinson describes the branch of and ancestral philosophy that deals with the physical body, and stresses its splendid foundation upon which the student builds a sound and strong body necessary for one to do his best work.

The Philosophy of Wellbeing, for Her consists of a series of lessons dealing with the laboratory of the body, the Yogi theory and practice of Prana, Yogi breathing, Pranic energy, the control of the involuntary system, the mental attitude, lead by the spirit, as well as actives like the expansion of the Self, mental control, the cultivation of attention and perception, and subconscious character building, which involves the intelligent use of the subconscious faculties of the mind to modify, change, or completely alter our character.

Throughout this book, The Philosophy of Wellbeing, for Her, the author’s objective is unique: to give a new breath to our life.


Page count
    5.5 x 8.5 in
    Paperback: 9781788940337, 9781788941662
    Hardcover: 9781788941112
Price (suggested, in USD)
    Paperback: 14.90
    Hardback: 21.90


❯ Paperback and hardback


Yogi Ramacharaka, The Philosophy of Wellbeing, for her
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The Philosophy of Wellbeing for her
Yogi Ramacharaka, The Philosophy of Wellbeing, for her